Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Spring Light

It's snowing a peaceful, quiet, 'warm' snow of little flakes which either come straight down, blow to the right sideways or swirl against the house and windows. The snow squall feels like a last, desperate attempt at prolonging winter and at least making a show of it.

Yet already the light has changed as it slants across the sky first thing in the morning. Spring is here for animals and wary humans, even if it's before the Vernal Equinox on March 20 of 2016.

It's been an 'easy' winter. We could still get slammed with sub zero temperatures or three feet of snow in March. The supposition of an 'easy' winter, weather-wise, of 2015-2016, is still pure conjecture at this point.

But it's fun to think about.

The horses are beginning to shed their onerous winter coats. That happens mostly due to changes in the photoperiod light, and not so much the temperature. This time of year your horse will try to rub his face on your clothing.

We shouldn't let them, because it makes us 'less dominant' (or, one-down-on-the-totem-pole) to our equine friend. If I allow my horse a 'rub' (which really is a power-backrub for me, as well..) I am sure to "move his feet" afterward and basically, re-establish my prominence as 'his boss' in the pecking order.

It's been working well, so far--

There is more power in a horse's head and neck than in most humans' entire body. So for this reason, if a horse goes to rub his face on you as a particular habit, you could get thrown several feet, or into a wall (I know I would be). So my horse cannot rub his face unless he is invited, and never in bridle.

All these little rules which I try to instill as habits to keep us safe.

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