Tuesday, February 16, 2016


I could never get tired of hearing rain pattering against the windows and beating against the ground. The warmer weather today is a welcomed relief from the last two days of double digit sub-zero temperatures, with those numbers doubling in actual coldness with wind chill factored in.

The birds and a red or a gray squirrel find a steady supply of black oil sunflower seed from me. I am sure to spread a bit on the ground every morning for the ground feeding Juncos and the furry little four legged friends.

We started overfeeding the horses a day before the cold moved in. By the time it was thirty below in wind chill, they were in good shape to face it. Each morning, they did not come off the hill near the barn to get their morning hay. Standing in the sunshine was more important than eating, which I take to be a good sign they'd had more than enough the night before.

Dream and Ginger, the two best horses ever

I could not figure out why my Thoroughbred kept coming over to me with a question this morning as I cleaned his stall. I had to laugh when I finally realized what was bothering him.

Normally, if he's in the stall with me, I hook a rope across the stall door while I clean. Today, I'd neglected the rope. "Should I go, Momma? Are we leaving-?"

Throughout the day, seeing the horses from the window over my kitchen sink or watching the birds helps me breathe and connect again with the existing moment.

I think it's like dancing. Listen inside yourself-- that still, small and quiet...humble voice.

The voice that would speak to a child or a person during their last days here on earth. I wish people would talk to each other with that voice more often.